Today sucks, y'all
A few reasons why today sucks:
- I haven't showered in four days, and despite the fact that I was given ample opportunity to do so this afternoon, I didn't. My hair feels gross, and it's no one's fault but my own. I am retarded.
- Someone on Amazon is selling the out-of-print version of The Barber of Seville
I've been wanting for months for $29.99. Twenty-nine dollars and ninety-nine cents. That's good, by the way. Previously I've seen it for over a hundred. And what sucks about that, right? I'll tell you what sucks about it. What sucks about it is that I can't afford to buy it. Unless they're giving it away and paying me to take it, I don't have the money for it.
- Wanna know what else I don't have the money for? Stupid Sam's Club. Stupid Sam's Club stupid membership is stupid up and it costs 40 stupid dollars to stupid renew. I went over a whole price comparison with the stuff at Sam's vs. Target and the grocery store, and between the prices for bread and chicken breasts, it more than pays for itself over the course of a year. But that's still $40 that I have to shell out. Also, we're out of bread, so I need to go do this like today. *sigh*
- But hey, I totally paid off the car today. That's good, right? It's great. Except that I am totally worried that after weighing the pros and cons of paying it off vs. keeping our money in savings, what if we were wrong? And worse, what if something goes wrong with the car now? I'm so fucked.
- For dinner tonight? Leftover "Flavorful Old World Sausage Supper." Flavorful according to the people who created the recipe and who have apparently never tasted anything more flavorful than plain potatoes in their lives. The picture makes it look really good, but don't let that fool you. Also, if you make it, make sure you have a ginormous pan to cook it all in. But who knows, maybe in the couple days it's been in the fridge, the flavors have gotten more intense, but I feel this wishful thinking.
- Also, I'm putting on winter weight. When will it warm up? When can I take my child outside?
*It was his first time having chocolate! I couldn't just give him anything! I had to give him the good stuff, homemade with love!
Post Script - Amy has proved herself to be the bestest friend ever and bought me The Barber of Seville! This despite the fact that I'm a jerk friend who forgot to write a guest author essay for her this month (and she didn't even bug me about it!). Maybe if I'm extra nice she'll accept a late entry?
Another Post Script - The "Flavorful Old World Sausage Supper" was only slightly less disappointing last night than it was when I first made it. At least this time I (1) didn't have high hopes for a tasty meal and thus couldn't be let down and (2) knew enough to add lots of salt and pepper.
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