Thursday, February 22, 2007

Enough with the Amish Friendship Bread, people!

So not that I'm spying on you, dear reader, but well, yeah, I'm kind of spying you. But now I'm telling you about it, so we're cool, right? Anyway, I've got a StatCounter thingie set up here, and it's telling me that a lot of people on the internet are googling Amish Friendship Bread. And that's fine, but a few warnings: first, Amish Friendship Bread is not all it's cracked up to be, though really how much was it cracked up to be in the first place? It's a yeast starter in a ziploc bag that sits on your counter for days before multiplying and eventually driving you out of house and home. It's like a bunch of damn tribbles. Secondly, don't you have more interesting things to do out there than google Amish freaking Friendship Bread? What more information are you looking for, people?

So instead of Amish Friendship Bread, I would like to direct you to a few of the following sites that I've discovered recently and found really interesting, none of which have anything to do with Amish Friendship Bread (that I've noticed):

  • Found Magazine You know when you find a slip of paper on the ground randomly and it says something like "shirts, pants, nail gun" and you're like, "A fucking nail gun?" Well anyway, these people collect those little gems, and it is absolutely fascinating.
  • hi! I don't know how I didn't think of this. I've got an entire house full of anthropomorphic stuffed bunnies (well, two bunnies, one small pig, and one tiny hedgehog), each with his own unique (and in at least one case, batshit crazy) personality. But anyway, I didn't think of it. This little monkey went and made an adorable website for himself in which he explains (adorably) how to write a proper thank you, how to make panda cupcakes (all without harming actual pandas), and gently reminds you to use oven mitts if you're not made of terry cloth like him. All very helpful.
  • PostSecret I wish I had a deep, dark secret to adorn on an artfully handcrafted postcard because if I did y'all. Seriously. I would be all over that. Mine might go something like, "My [boss/lover/gardener] is motherfuckingbatshitcrazy." But is it really a secret? Anyway, then I'd have to think of a clever way to decorate a postcard, and my inferiority complex is far too consuming to allow me to express my creativity like that. Oh, also it's way more fun and probably less painful to just read other people's secrets.
  • BBC Language Portal Have I mentioned that I'm learning French? 'Cause I am totally rockin' the French language here lately. I can order the hell out of a ham sandwich, bitches. What's that? You already know French? Yeah, well, do you also know Spanish? German? Mandarin? I didn't think so. Go expand your mind and shit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us know about the Amish friendship...quite an interesting blog...i liked it and if u believe in friendship...drop by my blog...some real excitements awaits :)