Monday, February 19, 2007

Aventures en Fromage?

I'm letting the French in. In an effort to be more French, I've been thinking I should learn to embrace cheese. Yes, cheese. And no, not actually embrace. More like eat.

My feelings on cheese generally range from "suspicious" to "moving to a different state." I eat shredded cheddar on my tacos and baked potatoes, and I spread cream cheese on my bagel (and that I resisted until I was nearly 19). Cheese on pizza I'll eat because it doesn't count as actual cheese unless it's an inch thick (which I wouldn't eat if you paid me to).

So anyway all this talk of le fromage has me feeling some peer pressure (in a good way) from the French to eat some cheese, but I know myself and that can't mean camembert and brie just yet. This is going to require baby steps. We looked at the Laughing Cow wheel at the store yesterday, but it was $4, and after paying like a dollar for it when he was in France, Jake couldn't bring himself to pay like 50¢ a wedge. (Americans think they're so fancy for eating it, but it's apparently French Cheese Whiz.) Which is fine because I'm not sure I'm ready to move on to actual French cheese yet, crappy Cheese Whiz stuff or not (for the record, I won't eat American Cheese Whiz). So my first adventurous step toward being a cheese snob? Medium cheddar.

And already I'm planning to get Sharp next. Hold me back before I hurt someone!


Adam said...

Dude, you're some risk taker.

Cheddar, sharper the better, is great. So is brie. Do you like string cheese? How could anybody not like string cheese?

the a is for annie said...

I will eat string cheese, but that's a pretty recent development. I slice it up for the baby, and he likes it quite a bit. I have been known to share it with him.