Awesome: "Isn't She Lovely"
For someone who claims to love music as much as I do, I own an embarrassingly small amount of Stevie Wonder. Specifically, I don't own Songs in the Key of Life
which seems to be the Stevie Wonder album any self-respecting music fan should own. The only excuse I can offer is that it's on my list but unfortunately never at the top. Despite this oversight, I do have an mp3 of "Isn't She Lovely" (don't ask how I got it), perhaps one of the catchiest songs in the historie of musicdom.
Wait, did I say "catchy"? I meant downright infectious. I defy you to listen to this song without tapping your foot or swaying to the music.
Stevie Wonder took a potentially schmaltzy subject (a father's overflowing love for his newborn daughter) and made it accessible, cool, and still sincere. I don't even have a daughter and the song nearly brings me to joyous tears every time I hear it. Hell, I don't even believe in god, but it makes me want to sing a hallelujah to Jesus that this child was born. (Go ahead and laugh.)
When my friends' daughter was born last October, I emailed the mp3 to her proud papa. Cynic that he is, he didn't seem to appreciate it nearly as much as he should have. Adam, how could you not love this song? Seriously.
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