Academy Awards: The Aftermath
Another year and I didn't win anything.
No, wait, you mean I did win something? You mean that for the first time in the history of our relationship (going on 7 years), I beat Jake with more correct guesses on the Oscar ballot than he? That's right - I got 13 categories right compared to his measly 7. Suck it, bitches.
Let's review:
Best Picture - It went to The Departed. I had randomly picked Little Miss Sunshine because it looks more like something along the lines of the movies I tend to enjoy. That should have been my big hint there, I suppose. (Jake picked The Queen, so he was totally wrong too.)
Best Actor - Forest Whitaker, no surprise, bla bla. Jake had picked him as well.
Best Actress - Helen Mirren, again, bla bla. We both picked her as well.
Best Supporting Actor - Jake's one good pick of the night - he totally had Alan Arkin, and he was right. I had Eddie Murphy, and I'm really glad Eddie Murphy didn't win. Speaking of one-trick ponies...
Best Supporting Actress - This was retarded. People may be celebrating Jennifer Hudson's win right now, but it's one of those things that film buffs will look back on in shame. And what was with not thanking Simon, Paula, and Randy? Bad form, Jennifer. Boo. (Jake chose Cate Blanchett to win this category - part contrarian, part wishful thinking, I believe.)
Best Director - Hey, did you hear that Martin Scorsese won an Oscar finally? Did you see that it was handed to him by three other dinosaurs of film? Meh. I haven't seen The Departed, and maybe Scorsese really did do a fantastic job directing. But is this maybe just a little bit of making up for all those times when he maybe should have been given the award? Remember when Al Pacino won for going "hoo-ah!" for an hour and a half? Yeah. (Jake had Clint Eastwood picked for this one - silly Jake, Clint already has like half a dozen Oscars at home, and we're totally bored of him and of any and all films about WWII.)
Let's see, what else can we talk about? Oh yes, Best Original Song - Jake and I had each picked a different Dreamgirls song to win, and despite the fact that I lost this category, I was really thrilled to see Melissa Etheridge win it. Not that I'm like some huge Etheridge fan (though I do have two of her albums), but it's nice to see a song that's not (a) from a Disney movie and (b) some huge production with lots of melisma and dancers in the background.
Otherwise: Al Gore was funny, Nicole Kidman looked stupid, the Italian guy was cool, it was nice to see Jodie Foster, and those silhouette dance people were pretty remarkable, even if they were part of the reason the show kept me up after 11 pm. Oh, and Will Ferrell and Jack Black were hysterical, but that's to be expected. I did wonder though why they didn't mention in their song about how comedy never gets nominated the one comedian there who had taken a dramatic role and been nominated - Eddie Murphy. Meh, I've heard he's a pretty poor sport anyway. Until next year.
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