Treat yourself
Included in Amy's fan-fucking-tastic blog redesign is her portfolio, featuring some her fan-fucking-tastic art. You know how cool it would be to have a real live painting in your house? You know you're always telling yourself how you should support the arts, etc.? Now is your chance:

View from the Milwaukee Art Museum
Amy VanDonsel 2007
I know I'm her friend and all, so I'm biased, but this is gorgeous in a way that I don't even have words for. But before you feel too sorry for me and my complete and utter inability to buy original pieces of art, I should note that I do own at least one Amy VanDonsel original, proudly displayed in my living room:
This is one of my favoritest things in the whole world, and I find myself just looking at it at various times during the day. It's a collage of found items all arranged artfully behind the glass. (If that looks slightly less than stellar, it's because of my reflection against the glass as I took the picture.)
Hurray for art! Hurray for Amy!
wonderful art work man i loved it. kewl blog like to visit more often so be in touch
regards Biby - Blog
Thanks for the promo! :)
I had forgotten how cool that collage was. I couldn't actually remember what it looked like. Thanks for posting a pic. I should add it to the portfolio!
You should add it to your portfolio, but if you want to do that, I should probably attempt to get a better picture of it. How did you get such great pictures of your art???
Well, way back almost a year ago, in the closest thing we actually get to a fight (that totally wasn't a fight) I told Drew "you need a hobby. Seriously." (A friend of mine says the world is divided into dog people and cat people. Not people who like those respective animals, but people who possess those stereotypical qualities. Drew is a dog person, and I am a cat person. I could entertain myself alone in an empty room for several days... he's ADD boy. ANYWAY...) Drew took up photography, so I have him (or myself, for being a little bitchy in our non-fight) for the lovely pictures. I was pondering how you coule take a better pic of the collage since you can't really take it out of the frame/glass... and... I have no idea.
Big help, huh? :)
Indeed. Just tell Drew to come visit with you this summer, and we'll let him take the picture.
Jake is spreading the Amy-love at work today. We want his office to buy your painting. (They have lots of art from local artists.)
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