Blogging Spring
The snow is finally gone. Last Friday there was over 18 inches of the stuff, dirty and disgusting, taking up space in the streets to park, reminding us all just how miserable the weather has made us.
Over the weekend, as many of you around the country surely noticed, there was a warm-up, and now the snow is gone. The baby actually got to go outside for the first time in months. He laughed at the breeze on his fuzzy little head, and then laughed some more at the sound of his voice echoing outside. He twisted his whole little body around to watch as each car drove down our residential street. He wrapped his tiny little hands around my index fingers, and we walked down our sloped driveway to the sidewalk. He liked the puddles, but soon realized that more fun than dragging mom through puddles was making me hunch over him and hold his hands while he walked up the hill of our driveway... and back down again. And up... and down. More than once I had to stop him because my back had locked up and I wasn't sure I was able to stand up straight anymore. But I didn't mind. He was having the bestest time ever in, well, in his whole entire life. Being 14 months old and getting to experience spring after being cooped up for months has got to be the greatest thing ever. I have a feeling we'll go through the same experience next year as well. It's pretty cool stuff.
Also new this spring? Daffodils! Or maybe those are tulips. I don't exactly remember where we planted what, but I'm told daffodils come up first, so as far as I know, they're daffodils.
Beautiful as that tiny little bud is, it's causing me a bit of grief. There's a lot of them, including a whole row of them along the side of the house, and tomorrow night, it's supposed to freeze. Which means I have to find an old sheet or something to protect them, and I'm probably going to have to do this nearly every night for at least the next month.
Still, it'll be totally worth it to watch it grow bigger and taller and eventually bloom! Last spring, I remember taking a lot of walks with the baby and admiring all the daffodils and tulips people had planted. This year is my year! This year my house will have lots of pretty flowers too!
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