Thursday, March 1, 2007

Shrine to Virginity

Blogger should have trackback technology, folks. I feel dirty blogging someone else's blog without notifying them via trackback. But I'm gonna do it anyway:

While perusing my friend Georgy's livejournal friends page (I was bored, it was a "came from" link in my statcounter), I came across this blog entry by one of her friends.

I don't know this person and won't be a jerk and steal that person's pictures, but you really must go look at them. Apparently once upon a time in New Mexico some crazy people scrawled their craziness on a 20-foot wall and called it a Shrine to Virginity.

Such was their crazy that they did not believe in PROCREATION. A favorite quote off the wall: "Blessed are they who do not bring children into this world etc." Etc.? What, were they too tired to finish that particular thought? Because given the rest of the crazy on the wall, they really didn't seem like they were the types to just assume we're capable of filling in the blanks.

Thank you for sharing, friend of Georgy and person who I do not know!


Anonymous said...

haha, that's the found_objects LJ community, where people post random weird stuff they find. It can be interesting sometimes.

I don't know if you know I read your blog via the LJ syndication of it. Hi! I read your blog!

the a is for annie said...

Well, I figured it was you reading since it was your friends page showing up in my statcounter thingie.

So: Welcome! You read my blog! I read yours too!