Thursday, March 15, 2007

"Luke, I am your [SPOILER]."

Ok, other bloggers need to stop talking about stuff that I think about. This time it's Star Wars.

Many times, Jake and I have discussed what it would be like to watch Star Wars without knowing Luke's true paternity. I mean, how shocking must that have been to be sitting there in the theater in 1980, eating your popcorn, watching Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker battle it out, and then? Vader's big announcement!

Fuck, man. That must have been really fucking cool. I just wish I could experience that thrill once, but alas, I think I've just always known.

If I can't live it myself, I will live it through my child. Yes, he's only 14 months old now, so give me a couple years. To all of you who know me in real life: please do not tell my kid that Vader is Padme's babydaddy.

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