Attack of the DaVinci Code
Yeah, I know I'm the last person on earth to read The Da Vinci Code, and yeah, I know it's painfully unhip to be reading The DaVinci Code, but I couldn't care less. I started it Friday night (after finishing Spook, which wasn't anywhere near as good as the Stiff, but that's not what I'm blogging about). Between Friday night and Monday morning, every moment not spent running errands or tending to the baby was spent reading The DaVinci Code. Say what you want about the book, the author, or the Catholic Church - it really draws you in right from the beginning.
Trouble is, now I'm about 100 pages shy of the finish line, and I ... don't care anymore. This book should be over by now, right? How many more times can they elude capture? How many more crossword puzzles can they do?
Maybe I'd be more interested if the conspiracy wasn't all over the place and I didn't already know What The Holy Grail Is, etc. Honestly though after Monday morning, I haven't had the energy to pick it up again. I will finish it... eventually.
In the meantime, courtesy of Mr. Picassohead, here is The DaVinci Code as re-imagined by Picasso (and me!):
I enjoyed The Da Vinci code as well, but yes, you're spot on, it goes on far longer than necessary. Ditto with the movie version. I actually liked Angels & Demons better though. And Holy Blood, Holy Grail is an interesting book as well... I don't buy it, but it's interesting.
I actually have owned The Chalice & The Blade for years now but have never gotten around to reading it. If by "it," you mean... the conspiracy about the Holy Grail (I don't want to spoil for anyone), I buy it, or I want to buy it, but honestly it affects my life ZERO, so. I buy it, but I don't actually care.
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