Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Reasons I miss San Francisco

As some of you know, I used to live in San Francisco. We've been gone five years this summer. That is far too long. Below, a list of things I miss about the most beautiful city in the country:

  • Various family members who know who they are.  I mean, if we lived in SF, we'd be able to be with everyone as opposed to all the hectic visiting.  Matt and I could watch zombie movies on a regular basis instead of trying to pencil them into an exhausting week of running from one place to the next.  My brother now works mere blocks from where I used to work.  We could be doing lunch!
  • The best Chinese food on the planet.
  • MUNI
  • Hills (No, seriously.)
  • Wishbone, the greatest store in the world filled with almost nothing that anyone actually needs but that everyone wants.
  • Children's Playground.  Ok, I admit I didn't spend much time there when we lived in SF, but now that I have a small child and a second on the way, I can see myself spending lots of time there.  Strangely, the official site has no pictures of the newly renovated playground, but trust me, it's awesome.
Yes, there are things I would miss about Milwaukee.  But those are some of my favorite things about the city, and I would give just about anything to move back most days.


Adam said...

Well, as I told you at the time, you should have never moved to Milwaukee. Who moves to Milwaukee?

the a is for annie said...

Why do you even comment if you're not going to add anything to the conversation?

Adam said...

There's a conversation?