Thursday, August 23, 2007

I saw Liam Finn!


He came out on stage, and I was all, "I love you!" And he looked in my general direction into the dark theater, smiled and said, "You haven't even heard me yet" into the mic.

During Crowded House's set I mostly ignored Neil (something I thought I'd never do) and craned my neck to watch Liam's lovely, lovely face and body. Don't judge me.

And I got his autograph! I waited an hour under the Pabst Theater awning, and when he finally came out, I was all, "Liam!" And he turned around and looked right at me like, "Yes? What can I do for you?" That was kind of weird because I wasn't expecting to actually have to say, "Can you sign this for me?" But I managed to find the words and did it.

He is hotter than hot is hot. He's about my height. The pen I borrowed from the lady next to me had issues, but he managed to sign the cd for me anyway. Wanted to find some kind of excuse to touch him but didn't. Wanted to tell him I love him in so many different ways but managed to keep my dignity and fade into the background while blondie next to me made a fool of herself. Ah well.


Anonymous said...

Annie, you're my hero.

Anonymous said...

Hey look! You blogged!

the a is for annie said...

Glad I could entertain you both?